Coming soon

Coming soon

After many hours of work, I can now say that my digital media senior portfolio videos are done, and will be released soon. Check out the teaser video here.

What have I learned from this experience?

My biggest takeaway from working on this project would have to be the preparation that was put into this project. I already had established a healthy system to create shot-lists and shot-maps, but this project pushed my pre-production skills. I also learned the beauty of b-roll. Because I had so much b-roll, I was able to seamlessly transition between different topics discussed in this short series. The b-roll also allowed for extra creativity and flexibility with the voice overs, and allowed the whole project to be more engaging.

What can you take away from this?

I hope that these few videos will ignite a spark in you for film and the intricacies of film theory. Once you gain an understanding of why things look pleasing to the eye, you will see beauty everywhere.